ObjectivePGP is OpenPGP implementation for iOS and OSX.
See blog post for full story.
pod 'ObjectivePGP', :git => 'https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/ObjectivePGP.git', :branch => :master
You are welcome to contribute. Current version can be found on branch master
. I started work on new version on branch ObjectivePGP2
- however it is not finished, not even sure if it should be done this way. It is more Work In Progress with new approach.
If you want fix the bug, please create Pull Request against master
branch. If you want to work on future version, look at ObjectivePGP2
##The licence
It is open source and covered by a standard 2-clause BSD license. That means you have to mention Marcin Krzyżanowski as the original author of this code and reproduce the LICENSE text inside your app.
You can purchase a Non-Attribution-License for 75 Euros for not having to include the LICENSE text. I also accept sponsorship for specific enhancements which you might need. Please contact me via email for inquiries.
#include <ObjectivePGP.h>
ObjectivePGP *pgp = [[ObjectivePGP alloc] init];
#####Load keys (private or public)
/* From file */
[pgp importKeysFromFile:@"/path/to/secring.gpg" allowDuplicates:NO];
[pgp importKeysFromFile:@"/path/to/key.asc" allowDuplicates:NO];
/* Load single key from keyring */
[pgp importKey:@"979E4B03DFFE30C6" fromFile:@"/path/to/secring.gpg"];
#####Search for keys
/* long identifier 979E4B03DFFE30C6 */
PGPKey *key = [pgp getKeyForIdentifier:@"979E4B03DFFE30C6" type:PGPKeyPublic];
/* short identifier 979E4B03 (the same result as previous) */
PGPKey *key = [pgp getKeyForIdentifier:@"979E4B03" type:PGPKeyPublic];
/* first key that match given user */
PGPKey *key = [pgp getKeysForUserID:@"Name <email@example.com>"];
#####Export keys (private or public)
NSError *exportError = nil;
/* export all public keys to file */
BOOL result = [pgp exportKeysOfType:PGPKeyPublic toFile:@"pubring.gpg" error:&exportError];
if (result) {
PGPKey *myPublicKey = [self.oPGP getKeyForIdentifier:@"979E4B03DFFE30C6" type:PGPKeyPublic];
/* export public key and save as armored (ASCII) file */
NSData *armoredKeyData = [pgp exportKey:myPublicKey armored:YES];
[armoredKeyData writeToFile:@"pubkey.asc" atomically:YES];
#####Sign data (or file)
NSData *fileContent = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/file/to/data.txt"];
/* choose key to sign */
PGPKey *keyToSign = [self.oPGP getKeyForIdentifier:@"979E4B03DFFE30C6" type:PGPKeySecret];
/* sign and return signature (detached = YES) */
NSData *signature = [pgp signData:fileContent usingSecretKey:keyToSign passphrase:nil detached:YES];
/* sign and return signed data (detached = NO) */
NSData *signedData = [pgp signData:fileContent usingSecretKey:keyToSign passphrase:nil detached:NO];
#####Verify signature from data (or file)
/* embedded signature */
NSData *signedContent = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/file/to/data.signed"];
if ([pgp verifyData:signedContent]) {
NSLog(@"Verification success");
/* detached signature */
NSData *signatureContent = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/file/to/signature"];
NSData *dataContent = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/file/to/data.txt"];
if ([pgp verifyData:dataContent withSignature:signatureContent]) {
NSLog(@"Verification success");
#####Encrypt data with previously loaded public key
NSError *error = nil;
NSData *fileContent = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/file/to/data.txt"];
/* public key to encrypt data, must be loaded previously */
PGPKey *keyToEncrypt = [self.oPGP getKeyForIdentifier:@"979E4B03DFFE30C6" type:PGPKeyPublic];
/* encrypt data, armor output (ASCII file) */
NSData *encryptedData = [pgp encryptData:fileContent usingPublicKey:keyToEncrypt armored:YES error:&error];
if (encryptedData && !error) {
NSLog(@"encryption success");
[encryptedData writeToFile:@"/path/to/encrypted/file.gpg" atomically:YES]
#####Decrypt data with previously loaded private key
NSData *encryptedFileContent = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/path/file/to/data.gpg"];
/* need provide passphrase if required */
NSError *error = nil;
NSData *decryptedData = [pgp decryptData:encryptedFileContent passphrase:nil error:&error];
if (decryptedData && !error) {
NSLog(@"decryption success");
##Release notes
Version 0.4.0
- ObjectivePGP goes Open Source
- Fix length header for some double-octet length
Version 0.3.2
- CHANGE error handling for sign/verify methods
- FIX disable check for signing key while it can be public to verify.
Version 0.3.1
- NEW multiple keys for single encryption
- NEW error codes PGPErrorPassphraseRequired, PGPErrorPassphraseInvalid
- CHANGE export armored data with \n instead \r\n
- FIX decrypt message using key encrypted with password
- FIX handling armored data regarding newline
Version 0.3
- NEW encrypt for multiple recipients at once
- NEW decrypt with multiple recipients
- NEW read key from file without importing to keyring
- NEW import keys with or without duplicates
- NEW Support for V3 of signature packets
- NEW armv7s binary added
- IMPROVED overall error handling
- IMPROVED preferred key algorithm chooser
- FIX handle DSA keys for encryption
- FIX self certificate validation check
- FIX export multiple keys to single file
- FIX reading user id packet
- FIX other minor fixes
Known limitations
- Embedded signatures are not supported
- ZIP compression not fully supported
- Blowfish and Twofish are not supported
- No external configuration for defaults
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)
Marcin Krzyżanowski
Follow me on Twitter @krzyzanowskim