
Ethannij's Gentoo Overlay

Primary LanguageShell


Ethannij's Gentoo Overlay

To use my overlay # emerge eselect-repository # eselect repository add ethannij-overlay git https://github.com/ethannij/ethannij-overlay # emerge --sync ethannij-overlay


Moved to guru overlay. https://github.com/gentoo/guru


I found an interesting project here (https://blog.thepoon.fr/osuLinuxAudioLatency/#adjusting-latency) where ThePooN covers a version of wine they created to minimize audio latency in osu. I created an ebuild for gentoo linux that replicates the same process used in the AUR package (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wine-osu/).

NOTE: For wine-osu to compile properly on GCC 10, you must add -fcommon to your package.env


CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fcommon"


app-emulation/wine-osu fcommon.conf