Backend API endpoints for code challenge.

fork or clone this repo

run bundle install

run rake db:create

run rake db:migrate

run rake db:seed

Note: this app has index and show routes for each model, and a nested route for publisher_shops. shops#index will conditionally render the publisher_shops_path if params[:publisher_id].

Endpoint 1

Challenge: for a specific Publisher it should return the list of shops selling at least one book of that publisher. Shops should be ordered by the number of books sold. Each shop should include the list of Publisher’s books that are currently in stock.

Example response:

endpoint 1 pic

publisher_shops route: /publishers/:publisher_id/shops

Endpoint 2

Challenge: for a specific Shop it should mark one or multiple copies of a book as sold.

Example response:

endpoint 2 pic

shop route: /shops/:id

To test endpoints individually:

run rspec spec/requests/publisher_shops_spec.rb

run rspec spec/requests/shops_spec.rb

To run all tests:

run rspec