Quickly convert a .CSV file, where each row represents a single event, to .ICS files, one per event.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A console application that imports a .CSV file of events and converts them to .ICS files that can be imported to a calendar.

The .CSV File

  • The .CSV file must contain a header row
  • The header row must be:
  • The start date and end date should be in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:ss Z
4/12/2024 11:00 AM

Set Up

  • The application: CsvToIcs.exe can be placed anywhere, but I recommend in C"\Program Files\CsvToIcs
  • Create a PATH entry to point to the .exe
  • Now the app can be run as just csvtoics from a command line
  • For importing and exporting, you can use any location, but the default locations are:

.CSV file location


.ICS directory


Running the application

  • The application is run from the command line
  • To run with the default file locations
csvtoics "C:\Users\MyUserName\Documents\CsvToIcs\events.csv" "C:\Users\MyUserName\CsvToIcs\ICSFiles"