Orchard Experiments

This repository contains the script to generate figures 1-4 in the Orchard manuscript.

To get started, it's necessary to first clone the Orchard Github repo. Please follow the directions in the README to properly install Orchard.

We assume that the following environmental variable is set


Next, clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/ethanumn/orchard_experiments

If you'd like to generate any of the figures, use the following commands

num=1 # set this to the particular figure number (1,2,3,4)
unzip $figure_folder/data.zip -d $figure_folder
open $ORCH_DIR/orchard_experiments/figures/figure$num/instructions.txt

You can then use the commands in a figures instructions.txt file to reproduce the results for the figure.

We use (3) different metrics to evaluate bulk DNA cancer phylogeny reconstructions.

(1) Perplexity

Formally, we measure a reconstructed tree using the perplexity of cellular prevalence matrix $F$ fit to the tree $t$ under a binomial likelihood model.

Let $D$ be the bulk DNA read count data, $t$ be a phylogenetic tree reconstructed by an algorithm, and $F$ be the cellular prevalence matrix fit to the tree $t$. We define the perplexity of a probability model

$$ PP(t) $$

$$ PP(t) = 2^{\epsilon}, \quad \epsilon = - \frac{1}{nm}p(D\big|t) $$

where $p\left(D\big|t\right)$ is defined as the binomial likelihood of the VAF data $D$ given the cellular prevalence matrix $F$ fit to the tree $t$.

In some instances, we can compare the tree $t$ reconstructed by an algorithm to a baseline tree matrix $t^{(baseline)}$. For a simulated phylogenetic tree $t^{(sim)}$, we have a ground truth cellular prevalence matrix $F^{(true)}$ used to generate the simulated bulk DNA data. For real data that have an expert-derived clone or mutation tree $t^{(expert)}$, we can fit a maximum a posteriori cellular prevalence matrix $F^{(MAP)}$ to the tree. In this case, we can use the perplexity ratio $\frac{PP(t)}{PP\left(t^{(baseline)}\right)}$ to measure our reconstructed tree in reference to the baseline. A perplexity ratio near zero means the tree $t$ reconstructed by an algorithm is much better than the baseline, a perplexity ratio of 1 means that the tree reconstructed by an algorithm is as good as the baseline tree, and a large perplexity ratio means the tree reconstructed by an algorithm fits the VAF data poorly. In practice, however, we use the log perplexity ratio

$$ log_2\left(\frac{PP(t)}{PP\left(t^{(baseline)}\right)}\right) = \epsilon - \epsilon^{(baseline)} $$

or in the case we do not have a baseline, we use the log perplexity

$$ log_2\left(PP(t)\right) = \epsilon $$

In prior work, the log perplexity ratio has been called the VAF reconstruction loss.

(2) Relationship reconstruction loss

The relationship reconstruction loss is used to measure how well the pairwise evolutionary relationships in a tree $t$ reconstructed by an algorithm match the pairwise evolutionary relationships in in the ground truth trees. Please note that the relationship reconstruction loss is generally not used for real bulk DNA data.

We denote the pairwise evolutionary relationship between node $u$ and node $v$ in the tree $t$ as $E_{uv}$. We can now define the following

$$ \qquad\qquad p(E_{uv} = r|t_j) = 1 \quad \text{ iff } E_{uv} = r \text{ in tree } t $$

$$ p(E_{uv} = r|t_j) = 0 \quad \text{ otherwise.} $$

where $r$ is a particular pairwise evolutionary relationship and $r \in (ancestral, descendant, branched)$.

Finally, we can compute the difference in the pairwise evolutionary relationships for the reconstructed tree $E_{uv}$ and the ground truth evolutionary relationships from the ground truth trees $\tilde{E}_{uv}$ using the Jensen Shannon divergence

$$ \epsilon_{R}= \frac{2}{n(n+1)}\sum_{u,v}{JSD(E_{uv}|| \tilde{E}_{uv})} $$

where $JSD$ is the Jensen-Shannon Divergence.

(3) Wall clock run time

We use the number of seconds that a method takes to complete it reconstruction(s) to compare run times between different algorithms. We generally report wall clock run time in seconds as a power of ten.