Code and data (Incidents Dataset) for ECCV 2020 Paper "Detecting natural disasters, damage, and incidents in the wild".
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- alighofrani95Alpha Reality
- chango2015
- ChenHongruixuanThe University of Tokyo / RIKEN AIP
- CUIcaicai
- danielhv10Spain
- debuops
- dimipapaMIT
- edx903@geointcn
- ffmpbgrnn
- fly51flyPRIS
- he0x
- HwijuneSeoul
- JamesMaki@NVIDIA
- jeejeeleeSobeyMIL
- johncadigan
- Junshi
- mhkane
- michelewang
- nhk9680Kakao Mobility Crop.
- pranavnt@kobra-dev
- Preston-Dong
- qiqikacidi
- RoyXinyun
- shnhrtkyktokyo tech
- skywalkerzhai
- szeitlin@elastic
- Tim5Tang
- timeconDareesoft
- vponceloUniversity College London
- wanganzhiChengDu
- wxinbeings
- YangXS
- yrcrcy
- yudiz97
- zhicai-liu