
Ethereum community call planning and project management

Ethereum Community Call

The Ethereum Community Call is open to all individuals who self-identify as members of the Ethereum community. Calls happen roughly every two weeks using the Zoom videoconferencing software. The link to join each meeting will be posted in the main Ethereum Cat Herders Gitter channel shortly before the call. (Yes, we are making you show a little proof of work to find the link, but we assure you it is easy to find.)

Next call

The next call is scheduled for Friday, April 19 at 14:00 UTC. The call link will be posted shortly before the call in the main Cat Herders Gitter channel.


  • Calls will not be recorded nor livestreamed. They are conducted under the Chatham House Rule: "participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed."
  • Calls are open to all community members. Attendance may be capped if necessary. (The Zoom software supports a maximum of 100 participants.)
  • Calls do not have a specific agenda. Anyone may speak or ask about any topic at any time, whether technical or not.

Code of conduct

All participants are expected to abide by the following code of conduct. Participants who violate the code of conduct will be warned by a moderator, and may be muted or ejected from a call after multiple violations.

  • Be respectful of everyone's time, and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak. Limit questions and comments to 2-3 minutes.
  • Be ridiculously friendly and constructive. Keep comments and challenges in the top three sections of the Hierarchy of Disagreement. In particular, ad hominem, name-calling, and comments that are overly adversarial, antagonistic, or not constructive are not permitted.
  • You may introduce or ask about any topic related to Ethereum, broadly defined.