⚠️ This repo is no longer being maintained.

Yii2 Login Attempts Behavior

Store login failures, and disable after multiple failures.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require ethercreative/yii2-login-attempts-behavior

or add

"ethercreative/yii2-login-attempts-behavior": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Run the following migration

php yii migrate --migrationPath="vendor/ethercreative/yii2-login-attempts-behavior/src/migrations"  --interactive=0

Add the behavior to your login model.

public function behaviors()
    $behaviors = parent::behaviors();

    $behaviors[] = [
        'class' => '\ethercreative\loginattempts\LoginAttemptBehavior',

        // Amount of attempts in the given time period
        'attempts' => 3,

        // the duration, for a regular failure to be stored for
        // resets on new failure
        'duration' => 300,

        // the unit to use for the duration
        'durationUnit' = 'second',

        // the duration, to disable login after exceeding `attemps`
        'disableDuration' => 900,

        // the unit to use for the disable duration
        'disableDurationUnit' => 'second',

        // the attribute used as the key in the database
        // and add errors to
        'usernameAttribute' => 'email',

        // the attribute to check for errors
        'passwordAttribute' => 'password',

        // the validation message to return to `usernameAttribute`
        'message' => 'Login disabled',

    return $behaviors;


  • Add cache storage
  • Add better DB support
  • Add option for IP (other?) instead of key
  • Add failure delay option
  • More customisable