
OpenGL C++ game made with glut.h, stb_image.h and miniaudio.h

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Shuttle Madness

OpenGL C++ game made with glut.h, stb_image.h and miniaudio.h. Third semester final project. For Windows only. The point of this project is to use only single file header libraries (other than GLUT and standard library) to make a presentable arcade game.


Workspace Setup (VSCode, the easy way)

  • Clone this repository
  • Download this zip containing OpenGL dependencies from MdAlbinHossain/Computer-Graphics
  • Extract the zip, open the folder Computer-Graphics > OpenGL Programming
  • Inside, copy 'mingw' and '.vscode' folder into this repo's folder you've cloned earlier (shuttle-madness)
  • On VSCode, install an extension called Run++ (this one)
  • Still on VSCode, File > Open Folder... and choose the cloned directory (shuttle-madness)

The Manual Way

I haven't tried this myself, but you need to do a GLUT installation by yourself, and run the program with this (there might be other dependencies, tbh idk how to install those manually).

g++.exe shuttle_madness.cpp -lfreeglut -lopengl32 -lglu32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -Wl,--subsystem,windows -o shuttle_madness

Running the game

  • Open shuttle_madness.cpp
  • Click the Run++ button on the top right, OR press Alt + B


  • WASD controls: W to jump/double jump. S to fastfall/crouch.
  • Space to swing the racket
  • Immediately jumping after releasing crouch button will result in high jump.
  • Hit the pink shuttlecock to score point, dodge the gray shuttlecock, and don't hit the yellow shuttlecock.

Building the game

  • Download cmake from here and install it. (Choose the Windows x64 Installer, recommended to install for all user).
  • Make sure that the mingw32 folder from the previous guide is located properly inside the repo's folder (shuttle-madness) or
  • You can use your locally installed MSYS64 if you have already installed one.

I tried several dev tools and only MSYS64 which works (aside the above mingw32 method), my MSYS2 apparently can't. So for other build tools, you need to adjust the CMakeLists.txt manually. And to make things worse, the built executable from the MSYS64 method can't run on other device. So, just stick with the mingw32 method.

Python Method (assuming you installed one)

  • Run cmakeautomate_mingw32.py inside the tools folder
  • Go to newly made build folder, the executable name is ShuttleMadness.exe (it needs the png and wav files to be on the same directory as it). There will also a zip file that contains everything you need to run the game.

Use cmakeautomate_msys64.py instead if you want to use MSYS64 method.

Manual Method

  • Inside the repo folder, create a new folder named build
  • Download ninja-win.zip from here
  • Extract it, put the ninja.exe inside the build folder
  • Launch command prompt (cmd.exe), change directory (cd) to the build folder
  • Type these in succesion,

if you're using mingw32 (default) method:

for %I in ("%CD%") do set "updir=%~dpI"
set "updir=%updir:\=/%"
cmake -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=%updir%build/ninja.exe -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%updir%mingw32 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=%updir%mingw32/bin/gcc.exe -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%updir%mingw32/bin/c++.exe ..
cmake ..

if you're using MSYS64 method:

cmake -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=ninja.exe ..
cmake ..
  • Go to newly made build folder, the executable name is ShuttleMadness.exe (it needs the png and wav files to be on the same directory as it).

Static Linking (Single Portable Executable)

Python Method (assuming you installed one)

  • Run enigmavirtualboxsetup.py inside the tools folder
  • Double click the shuttle_build.evb, it should open the Enigma Virtual Box app.
  • Click Process on the bottom right
  • Visit build folder, the executable name is ShuttleMadnessPortable.exe (you can move it wherever you like)

Manual Method (assuming you installed one)

  • Open the Enigma Virtual Box app.
  • Browse the input file name, choose the newly built ShuttleMadness.exe
  • Click Add > Add File(s), choose every .png, .wav, and .dll file inside the build folder. Also include shuttle_howtoplay.txt and shuttle_audio_credit.txt.
  • Click Process on the bottom right
  • Visit build folder, the executable name is ShuttleMadnessPortable.exe (you can move it wherever you like)


  • Make challenges (like how the way the shuttlecock spawns) as a reason for the player to not just stay on the bottom without jumping at all. (also challenges that utilizes ducking)
  • Make the directory clean (separate files into folders based on extension)
  • Figure out the build dependency problem
  • Static linking the libfreeglut.dll


  • Arcade Music Loop.wav by joshuaempyre on freesound.org Adjusted so that the volume is 20% of the original

  • Jump_C_05.wav by cabled_mess on freesound.org

  • Tennis racket_whoosh.wav by speedygonzo on freesound.org Cutted so that only the second last swing that plays

  • Badminton.wav by PerMagnusLindborg on freesound.org Cutted so that it plays a little bit faster

  • 8-bit damage sound.wav by EVRetro on freesound.org Cutted so that it ends earlier

  • retro taking damage sfx.wav by stumpbutt on freesound.org

  • 8-bit Explosion2.aiff by timgormly on freesound.org Converted to 24bit pcm wav, decreased the volume to 50%

  • Game over sounds 1.wav by afleetingspeck on freesound.org Cutted so that only the first part is used

  • pause.mp3 by crisstanza on freesound.org Converted to 24bit pcm wav, decreased the volume to 60%

  • Chiptune Loop Episode 01.wav by orginaljun on freesound.org Decreased the tempo by 30%

  • Menu screen mouse over.wav by DrMinky on freesound.org Amplified by 15dB

  • SFX UI Button Click.wav by suntemple on freesound.org Amplified by 15dB

Used Libraries

Special Thanks

  • Ikhsan Ridwan who made the shuttle_knight.png sprite


The directory itself is messy since I thought I was just gonna use the single cpp file and the single file headers, but eventually i split the code into parts, and i added images, musics, and icon.