The ultimate full-stack Ethereum React Native Dapp Boilerplate which gives you maximum flexibility and speed. Feel free to fork and contribute. Although this repo is called "Ethereum Boilerplate" it works with any EVM system! Happy BUIDL!👷♂️
- 6
Moralis.onAccountChanged is not a function
#46 opened by socheat-leang - 1
- 1
#60 opened by Ayagami - 0
Consider using react-native-quick-crypto
#58 opened by mrousavy - 0
[TypeError: WalletConnect is not a constructor (evaluating 'new Connector(options)')]
#56 opened by fpiantoni - 2
call smart contract function
#40 opened by viet97 - 4
- 1
- 4
- 0
- 1
#52 opened by UladzKha - 3
React Native build Fails
#29 opened by Nishchay1571999 - 1
What does 'sign this message' mean?
#47 opened by socheat-leang - 1
React-Native connect to metamask wallet
#45 opened by socheat-leang - 5
- 0
Metro has encountered an error
#51 opened by dFohlen - 2
yarn install fails with the current yarn.lock
#49 opened by akivanc88 - 0
Unable to resolve module react-native from /path/index.js: react-native could not be found within the project.
#48 opened by mattjaf - 4
Wallet connect
#43 opened by CryptoWizard2011 - 1
Unable to load scripts
#41 opened by CocoJr - 3
Session is not Maintaing in app
#38 opened by bergmedia3 - 1
Error in getting Token Price
#36 opened by bergmedia3 - 1
- 11
React native build fails
#14 opened by codewithpom - 1
Can't Find variable Intl
#27 opened by ZaidQ797 - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Fails to build web version
#20 opened by CryptoLover705 - 2
Support for Celo Blockchain, which also has mobile React Native SDK. It is EVM compatible. Would be awesome for mobile dApp developers on Celo.
#1 opened by lopeselio - 1
Chat Support
#13 opened by pankaj-kb - 1
× TypeError: moralis_react_native__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3___default.a.setAsyncStorage is not a function
#12 opened by wei-kris - 1
npm install -g yarn
#6 opened by mobilekosmos - 1
Android Support?
#10 opened by nyousaf47 - 1
Please elaborate on yarn android
#7 opened by mobilekosmos - 1
loader handler failed for UI kitten
#8 opened by Sheshiyer