
Contract cannot parse a transaction invocation with anonymous function call

jondoe1337 opened this issue · 2 comments

The input parameter of the function org.ethereum.core.CallTransaction.Contract.parseInvocation(byte[])
is checked for a minimum length of 4 (still couldn't figure out why 4).

However if we take this transaction as an example:
And the contract:
If I'm correct then the anonymous function in line 190 of the contract was executed in this transaction - which requires no params/names.

But that would also require to let the function getBySignatureHash find the anonymous function.

still couldn't figure out why 4

This is how function signature is encoded in hash(methodName)[:4].
This is a default fallback function which is triggered when contract address receives value > 0. And, basically, there is no reason to parse this invocation (in terms of Contract.parseInvocation(byte[])) cause data array is always empty for such calls.
It may be worth to add a default function as a result of Contract.parseInvocation(byte[]) with empty data array.

Okay I see the point not to parse the invocation in that case. Therefore I worked around like this:

if (input.isEmpty())
      Function fallbackFunction = -> "".equals( && f.type == FunctionType.fallback).findFirst()
      if (fallbackFunction != null)
          invocation = new Invocation(c, fallbackFunction, new Object[0]);

It may be worth to add a default function as a result of Contract.parseInvocation(byte[]) with empty data array.

Agree to that, but might have a low priority.