- 8 is Forbidden
#1297 opened by bitcard - 1
Test Smell: it is not a good practice to introduce nondeterministic randomness in test code
#1305 opened by TestSmell - 1
- 1
ECDSA sign error
#1303 opened by superzoeyian - 0
- 1
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':app:compileDemo1DebugJavaWithJavac'
#1296 opened by YingJie0712 - 2
I don't think the IO speed is bad. Here is an indication (taken while geth is also still running):
#1295 opened by ramaaz31 - 2
A bug on opcode CALL
#1224 opened by chenjiaweiprimeledger - 2
- 0
For more security spongycastle -> bouncycastle
#1292 opened by Neustradamus - 0
CallTransaction.Function.decode(byte[] encoded) method ,when params contains string type,decode result is blank
#1293 opened by xiajikaluli - 2
Create a private network with ethereumj
#1289 opened by recordins - 3
Upgrade to Solidity 5.x
#1264 opened by MicahZoltu - 0
opcode "CODECOPY"
#1286 opened by otis01329 - 1
Ask for help: Cannot run any example
#1284 opened by smallyunet - 1
Istanbul Hardfork meta issue
#1280 opened by zilm13 - 2
Jsontestsuite failed to execute in Windows
#1277 opened by oracle3 - 1
- 3
EVM dataword ONE is null
#1266 opened by tangkunprimeledger - 0
Smart Contract Code Coverage
#1265 opened by tbocek - 3
Unrecognized field "components" (class org.ethereum.core.CallTransaction$Param)
#1260 opened by jondoe1337 - 2
unused line of code?
#1263 opened by kant111 - 6
In ethereumj, why the signature use loop to get v?
#1261 opened by woshidadashi - 0
Casper FFG on Beacon chain
#1238 opened by mkalinin - 0
Attestations related tests
#1231 opened by zilm13 - 0
Attestation pool refactor
#1232 opened by mkalinin - 0
Update beacon state with recent spec changes
#1234 opened by mkalinin - 0
Integrate Milagro impl of BLS signature aggregation
#1237 opened by mkalinin - 0
- 0
Implement SSZ
#1206 opened by mkalinin - 0
Remove slotsPerShard from ShufflingCommitteeFactory
#1211 opened by mkalinin - 0
When StandaloneBlockchain.submitNewContract(ContractMetadata) events not found
#1256 opened by Nashatyrev - 3
DBSettings should be initialized in writeLock
#1254 opened by chenjw13097 - 0
Transaction getKey is always null
#1248 opened by jolestar - 7
Invocation fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when multidimensional arrays are part of the signature
#1235 opened by jondoe1337 - 0
when the attribute modified of NodeEntry update
#1240 opened by lyy4j - 12
PendingTransactionUpdate always complain "Invalid nonce: required: 0 , tx.nonce: 1" , the new transaction can not include into the last block.
#1229 opened by fangyun - 2
"throw new RuntimeException("Not supported")" in many funs of
#1226 opened by w1397800 - 1
It is necessary?
#1225 opened by chenjiaweiprimeledger - 1
No verifies the signature against the Transacton?
#1223 opened by quan420 - 2
Contract cannot parse a transaction invocation with anonymous function call
#1215 opened by jondoe1337 - 4
Function signature is not correctly encoded when multidimensional arrays are part of the signature
#1216 opened by jondoe1337 - 5
Support or not
#1212 opened by 3Mohammed2013 - 0
Why there copy array from index 32-value.length, not from 0 and if value is String, copy array from 0, i think it's right
#1213 opened by taoyq1988 - 2
OutOfMemoryError when decoding Byte Param
#1200 opened by jondoe1337 - 1
- 8
PrivateMinerSample, send transaction
#1207 opened by bartmark - 1
Get rid of duplicated code in Abi and CallTransaction
#1197 opened by Nashatyrev - 0
Look for better BN128 implementation
#1199 opened by mkalinin - 2