
Function signature is not correctly encoded when multidimensional arrays are part of the signature

jondoe1337 opened this issue · 4 comments

Found another bug while decoding a transaction...
Given a transaction:
And using the ABI:

Invocation is found in org.ethereum.core.CallTransaction.Contract.parseInvocation(byte[])

Invocation is not found because the String containing the signature is build the wrong way.
Signature according to ABI: batchFillOrKillOrders(address[5][],uint256[6][],uint256[],uint8[],bytes32[],bytes32[])
However the signature string is build like this: batchFillOrKillOrders(address[][5],uint256[][6],uint256[],uint8[],bytes32[],bytes32[]).

I think this is someone wrong done in the org.ethereum.solidity.SolidityType.StaticArrayType.getCanonicalName() where the canonical type of the actual element type is prepended before the actual size.

I could try to provide a fix if desired.

The fix would be much appreciated 👍 good catch, btw

I created the PR for the initial bug: #1221

However, I tried the ethereumj lib now with my initial unittest which then will try to decode the method.
Now I the signature is correctly found, but then I will get an Exception in the decoding of the input params:

	at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
	at java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(
	at org.ethereum.solidity.SolidityType$IntType.decodeInt(
	at org.ethereum.solidity.SolidityType$IntType.decode(
	at org.ethereum.solidity.SolidityType$AddressType.decode(
	at org.ethereum.solidity.SolidityType$DynamicArrayType.decode(
	at org.ethereum.solidity.SolidityType$StaticArrayType.decode(
	at org.ethereum.solidity.SolidityType$StaticArrayType.decode(
	at org.ethereum.core.CallTransaction$Function.decode(
	at org.ethereum.core.CallTransaction$Function.decode(
	at org.ethereum.core.CallTransaction$Contract.parseInvocation(

I guess this might not be fixed in this issue, right?

@jondoe1337 Thanks for issue and PR!
If you are going deeper and found new bug, then yes please file new issue with sample date (unit test would be perfect)

Fixed with PR #1221