
Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 102

timbeiko opened this issue · 4 comments

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 102 Agenda


  1. YOLOv3 & Berlin client updates
    1. Outcome of 2718 Breakout Room
  2. Other EIPs or discussion items
    1. EIP-1559 Update

Next Call: January 8, 2021 14:00 UTC

  • No call on December 25, 2020. Happy holidays!

Do you guys maybe want to consider discussing about implementing EIP-3143 for the Berlin hard fork?

@Terra854 the list of EIPs for Berlin is very likely to be the same as for YOLOv3. It is very unlikely that anything would be added to this list unless there was a critical reason to do so.

With regards to EIP-3143, it is a change which would require strong community support. I think all core developers would want to see proof that there is overwhelming community support for it before considering it for inclusion in any upgrade.

If time permits, I can give a quick summary of the last EIP-1559 Implementers' Call

Closed in favor of #232