
Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 108 Agenda

timbeiko opened this issue · 0 comments

ACD 108 Meeting Info


  1. Berlin Updates
    • Ropsten & Goerli fork updates #248
  2. EIPs Proposals related to Included London EIPs
    1. Gas Refunds Alternatives:
      1. EIP-3298 - Disabling Gas Refunds #255
      2. EIP-3300 - Phase Out Refunds #258
      3. EIP-3322 - Efficient Gas Storage #266
      4. EIP-3403 - Partial Removal of Refunds #277
    2. EIP-3198 - BASE FEE Opcode #270
    3. EIP-3368 - Increase block rewards to 3 ETH, with 2 Year Decay to 1 ETH Scheduled #273
  3. Network Upgrade Timing & Scope
    1. London #245
      • Should we include anything beyond the current list?
    2. Shanghai: Shortly after London (#267), or focus on The Merge (#278)
    3. EIP-3238 - Difficulty Bomb #256
      • Need to agree on pushback period
  4. [If time permits] Other EIPs Proposals
    1. EIP-2315 - Simple Subroutines #274
    2. BLS Support #269
    3. EIP-3074 - AUTH and AUTHCALL opcodes #260
    4. EIP-2327 - BEGINDATA #262
    5. EIP-2677 - Limit size of initcode #271
    6. EIP-2935 - Save historical block hashes in state #279
    7. Other CFI EIPs #259