
Consensus-layer Call 78

ralexstokes opened this issue · 5 comments

Consensus-layer Call 78 Agenda

prev: call 77

Meeting Date/Time: Thursday 2021/12/16 at 14:00 GMT
Meeting Duration 1.5 hours
Live stream:

  1. Kintsugi office hours
  2. Other client updates (if any)
  3. Research, spec, etc
  4. Open Discussion/Closing Remarks

@timbeiko is this the correct live stream link?

@ralexstokes nope, but fixed now - thanks for the reminder!

Sorry all: because of a bad Youtube config, the livestream from this AM's Consensus Layer call didn't actually activate on Youtube, and we have no backup recording of the call 😣 Fixing the YT settings now.

closed in favor of #443