
The user can buy an ERC-20 token, after sending the tokens to the manager's contract, they will be automatically locked, after that the user will receive NFT.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🤵 Manager NFT generator 🤵

There are 3 contracts: Manager.sol for managing, Token.sol with erc-20 implementation and ERC721.sol with ERC721 standard implementation

📁 Table of Contents

🚩 General Information

  • Each user wishing to participate must purchase 5,000 standard "TKN" erc-20 tokens
  • To participate, each user must deposit these tokens into the ManagerContract via the deposit function
  • After that, the tokens will be locked for a minute, after which the user can call the createNFT function and pass the image URI as a parameter
  • NFT will be minted for the user and image metadata will be added after all 10 tokens are minted
  • The owner of the Token contract earns 0.0001 ETH for each "TKN" token and can withdraw "TKN" from the Manager contract after unlocking the tokens.

💻 Technologies Used

  • ipfs
  • hh coverage
  • slither
  • docgen
  • solhint

🌟 Features

  • Users could create custom NFTS
  • Total supply of 10 NFTs
  • The metadata is updated only once after the tokens are minted
  • 100% coverage of tests

👀 Requirements For Initial Setup

  • Install NodeJS, should work with any node version below 16.16.0
  • Install Hardhat

📟 Setup

1. 💾 Clone/Download the Repository

2. 📦 Install Dependencies:

$ cd repository_file
$ npm install

3. 🔍 .env environment variables required to set up

Create .env file inside project folder

  • You can get your ethereum or testnet API key here,here or any other service that allow you to connect to the nodes
  • You can get your private key from your wallet (Don't share your private key with untrusted parties)
  • You can get your etherscan API -key here.
  • TOKEN_ADDRESS(address of TKN) be available after deploying contracts
RINKEBY_API = <Rinkeby API key>
MAINNET_API = <Ethereum mainnet API key>
PRIVATE_KEY = <Private key of your wallet u want to deploy contracts from>
ETHERSCAN_KEY = <Etherscan API key in order to verify your contracts>
TOKEN_ADDRESS = <Address of deployed TKN.sol contract>
TKN_FEE = <Constructor parameter fee in TKN tokens in order to create custom NFT>
LOCKED_PERIOD = <Constructor parameter period in seconds indicating how long deposited TKN tokens will be locked>
DEPOSITORS_LIMIT = <Constructor parameter limit of depositors for the contract>

// All tokens are divided into 4 groups, each has its own percentage level of rarity
// For example: first group = 4, second = 3, third = 2 and fourth = 1.
// 4 means 40%, 3 means 30% and so on


Example screenshot

4. ⚠️ Run Tests

$ npm run test
$ npm run coverage

5. 🚀 Deploy to Rinkeby or Mainnet

$ npm run deployRinkeby
$ npm run deployMainnet 

!!!Important!!! insert current token contract address into your environment variables

6. ✏️ Insert current contract addresses into package.json

Example screenshot

7. 📜 Verify contracts

$ npm run verifyRinkebyTKN 
 $ npm run verifyRinkebyManager

or for mainnet

$ npm run verifyTKN
 $ npm run verifyManager


In order to quick update of Metadata on opensea page just click "Refresh Metadata" button

Example screenshot

💬 Contact

Created by @LESKOV - feel free to contact me!