
My Resume

Primary LanguageTeX


I'm Ethan Thomas, and this is my resume, written in LaTeX.


To view the resume, simply click on the EthanThomasResume.pdf file above.

This resume is also pointed to by my personal website, ethanmt.com/resume. Upon clicking the "View/Download PDF Resume" button on the Resume page, or going directly to ethanmt.com/resume_pdf, you should be redirected to a Google PDF viewer. The PDF viewer displays the current updated resume present in the main branch.

Click here to view the resume in the Google PDF Viewer.


Clone the git repo.

git clone https://github.com/ethmth/resume.git
cd resume/

Ensure pdflatex is installed, then run

pdflatex  -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -recorder  EthanThomasResume.tex

Alternatively, run the provided build.sh script.

chmod +x build.sh

The pdf file should be generated in your current directory.