docker-cobbler (Last version 2.6.11)

Last Update: 13/10/2016.

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Build Status


Cobbler is a build and deployment system. The primary functionality of cobbler is to simplify the lives of administrators by automating repetive actions, and to encourage reuse of existing work through the use of templating.


Docker allows you to package an application with all of its dependencies into a standardized unit for software development.

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Get to the point

This repository provides the LATEST STABLE version of the Cobbler Docker file.

Component & Version:


Before you up this container, adjust the configuration files in etc/cobbler.

  • In the settings file, adjust at least these settings:
    • default_password_crypted
    • manage_dhcp
    • manage_dns
    • manage_forward_zones
    • manage_reverse_zones
    • next_server
    • pxe_just_once
    • server

In container:

  • Cobbler configuration lives in /etc/cobbler
  • Tftpd configuration lives in /etc/cobbler/tftpd.template
  • dhcpd configuration lives in /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template


Due to the reasons for the Chinese network, I replace the yum base/epel repository with domestic mirror.


Use the accompanied Makefile to set it up. Issue make <target> to make the following:

build Build the image

run Run the Docker container

After Run this container, Remeber run cobbler sync

  • clean: Remove the docker container
  • mount: By default, run make mount will mount dist/centos7.iso on the path dist/mnt/centos7; You can alternatively run make mount -e NAME=ubuntu16 for mount dist/ubuntu16.iso to dist/mnt/ubuntu16. For use with the import target. Remeber use DVD iso.
  • umount: Unmount dist/mnt.
  • tty: Attach to a console inside the container
  • stop: Stop the container
  • start: Start the container
  • import: By default, run make import will import /mnt/centos7 into Cobbler; You can alternatively run make import -e NAME=ubuntu16 for import /mnt/ubuntu16. See mount target.
  • all: Build image, mount iso, run the container and import the distribution
  • vbox: Create a VirtualBox VNIC for listening on and issuing DHCP addresses. This is for testing Cobbler functionality in combination with Virtualbox VMs. Requires a working VirtualBox installation.


There is still some issue I can't fix:

  1. After you first time run this container, you should run cobbler sync. Because TFTPd can't self start by xinetd, but after you run cobbler sync, tftpd will start successfully
  2. Mount DVD iso first before you start container.
