
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


rpc-snooper is a lightweight RPC proxy tool designed for debugging and monitoring RPC calls between Ethereum clients. It works by acting as a man-in-the-middle, logging all request details including JSON bodies. rpc-snooper is particularly useful for connections between beacon nodes and execution nodes, as well as beacon nodes and validator clients.


  • Request Forwarding: Forwards all RPC requests to the specified target while logging the request and response details.
  • Internal API: Exposes an internal API for basic control of the proxy, such as temporarily stopping the forwarding of requests/responses.
  • CLI Support: Includes several command-line options for customizing the proxy's behavior.



Ensure you have git and make installed on your system to build rpc-snooper.

Building from Source

To build rpc-snooper from source, follow these steps:

git clone https://github.com/ethpandaops/rpc-snooper.git
cd rpc-snooper


Docker images for rpc-snooper are also available. Use the following command to pull and run the Docker image:

docker run [docker-run-options-placeholder]


To start using rpc-snooper, run the following command:

./bin/snooper [options] <target>

Where <target> is the URL of the underlying RPC host to which requests should be forwarded.

CLI Options

Here's an overview of the command-line options available:

./snooper [options] <target>

  -b, --bind-address string   Address to bind to and listen for incoming requests. (default "")
  -h, --help                  Run with verbose output
      --no-api                Do not provide management REST api
      --no-color              Do not use terminal colors in output
  -p, --port int              Port to listen for incoming requests. (default 3000)
  -v, --verbose               Run with verbose output
  -V, --version               Print version information


Contributions to rpc-snooper are welcome! Here are some ways you can contribute:

  • Submitting patches and enhancements
  • Reporting bugs
  • Adding documentation

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.