
Straightforward benchmarking for PureScript/JavaScript.

Primary LanguagePureScript


Straightforward benchmarking via Benchmark.js. I am sorry about the name (purescript-benchmark was taken).


Suppose you want to find out which is faster out of foldr (+) 0 and runAdditive <<< foldMap Additive. Let's also do the same for (*) for good measure. Start by creating some Benchmark values:

module Main where

import Prelude
import Data.Array
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid.Additive
import Data.Monoid.Multiplicative
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (arbitrary)
import Test.QuickCheck.Gen (vectorOf)
import Benchotron.Core
import Benchotron.UI.Console

benchSum :: Benchmark
benchSum = mkBenchmark
  { slug: "sum"
  , title: "Finding the sum of an array"
  , sizes: (1..5) <#> (*1000)
  , sizeInterpretation: "Number of elements in the array"
  , inputsPerSize: 1
  , gen: \n -> vectorOf n arbitrary
  , functions: [ benchFn "foldr" (foldr (+) 0)
               , benchFn "foldMap" (runAdditive <<< foldMap Additive)

benchProduct :: Benchmark
benchProduct = mkBenchmark
  { slug: "product"
  , title: "Finding the product of an array"
  , sizes: (1..5) <#> (*1000)
  , sizeInterpretation: "Number of elements in the array"
  , inputsPerSize: 1
  , gen: \n -> vectorOf n arbitrary
  , functions: [ benchFn "foldr" (foldr (*) 0)
               , benchFn "foldMap" (runMultiplicative <<< foldMap Multiplicative)

main = runSuite [benchSum, benchProduct]

Now, run them with runSuite; this will save the results data for each benchmark to tmp/sum.json and tmp/product.json respectively.

main = runSuite [benchSum, benchProduct]

You can now generate SVG graphs of these results by visiting http://harry.garrood.me/purescript-benchotron-svg-renderer.

Further information, such as the meaning of each of the attributes of a Benchmark value, is available in the documentation.