- 1
fides deploy up --image domain/ethyca/fides:2.54.0 is still trying to pull image from dockerhub
#5745 opened by ethanwlo - 1
Default Config Bug OR Docs Missing Step
#5075 opened by akeslo - 0
- 2
404 URL in Webserver Python Error Output
#5076 opened by akeslo - 0
Filtering and bulk editing for consent table
#4290 opened by TheAndrewJackson - 0
Consent table that supports TCF/non-TCF
#4291 opened by TheAndrewJackson - 1
Consent serving may not send proper `served_notice_history_id` on slow connections
#4336 opened by allisonking - 2
- 0
`fides init` does not have a `--opt-out` flag
#4703 opened by tariqajyusuf - 0
Remove`privacyCenterUrl` config option and debug logging from preview
#4702 opened by eastandwestwind - 0
Add OpenTelemetry Instrumentation
#4627 opened by tariqajyusuf - 0
- 0
Add support for STS-issued AWS credentials
#4596 opened by tariqajyusuf - 0
PROD-1297: Typeahead vendor selector improvements
#4436 opened by jpople - 0
Button to populate data uses from Compass still present on data use display table
#4427 opened by jpople - 0
Can create a system with a duplicate name
#4418 opened by jpople - 0
Disable "vendor" field when locking forms for GVL
#4413 opened by jpople - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
`` has a flaky test
#4288 opened by allisonking - 0
Update vendor selector to match new designs
#4264 opened by jpople - 0
Add multiple vendors component
#4230 opened by TheAndrewJackson - 0
CSS customization - Phase 2
#4274 opened by galvana - 2
Need to be able to take a custom composite `fides_tc_string` and parse out TC and AC strings
#4263 opened by allisonking - 1
Must be able to configure Privacy Center in a "TCF-only" mode for environments without server-side geolocation (e.g. staging)
#4258 opened by allisonking - 1
- 0
Add custom system fields to system history tracking
#4273 opened by galvana - 1
- 2
Handle Deprecated Fideslang Resources in Fides
#4236 opened by pattisdr - 1
PostgreSQL - Upgrade to PostgreSQL 15
#4270 opened by RobertKeyser - 1
Build a better form input for time durations
#4293 opened by allisonking - 0
Clean up CSS for fides_embed banner
#4307 opened by eastandwestwind - 1
Update TCF Version field
#4279 opened by pattisdr - 0
- 1
Change CMP Id
#4232 opened by pattisdr - 0
- 0
- 0
Update color for focus state on form inputs
#4298 opened by jpople - 0
Fix bug with re-selecting vendor in "add vendor" modal on configure consent page
#4296 opened by jpople - 2
Update `vendorIsGvl` logic after vendor id updates
#4242 opened by allisonking - 0
Fix issue with stack accordion and single purposes
#4257 opened by allisonking - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
`fides evaluate` command fails when `privacy_declaration` does not have a `data_qualifier`: "Found missing key () referenced in taxonomy"
#4280 opened by NevilleS - 0
- 1
Fides-js: add link to privacy policy on banner
#4229 opened by eastandwestwind - 0
Improve custom privacy request field error reporting
#4272 opened by galvana - 0
Separate TCF CSS styles into their own file
#4237 opened by galvana