
Elm binding to the javascript pouchdb library

Primary LanguageElmBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Migrated to Elm 0.18 : Consequences are that elm-reactor no longer works with Pouchdb objects because Pouchdb objects cannot be displayed (crash!) in the debugger model window. Please use another workflow, I've used gulp it's pretty easy to use.

Native review request was posted on the 2016-dec-09. Ref is #200

This library is a a set of Elm modules that bind the functionalities of the great pouchdb library. This library enables the user to use Couchdb/pouchdb database. It is great tool for mobile first applications, thanks to the powerfull sync feature of Couchdb comptatible databases.

It contains:

  • Pouchdb module for dealing with the creation of databases and standard operations like put, post, get, all_docs and queries and many others...
  • Change effect module that provides subscriptions for listening to document events within the databases.
  • Replicate effect module that provides subscriptions for replicating one database to the another.
  • Sync effect module that provides subscritions for syncing one database to another.
  • Events effect module that provides subscritions for listening to database events.

This library was initially created by Etienne Cavard for Oriata and posted under BSD3 license on the 24 july 2016.

Thanks to the Pouchdb team and Elm-lang team for their respective work on the js pouchdb library and the Elm language.

Declaring local and remote database

    type alias Model =
      { local : Pouchdb
      , remote : Pouchdb
    initialModel : Model
    initialModel =
        local = db "DB-Test" dbOptions
        remote = db "https://xxxxxx.cloudant.com/db-test"
            |> auth "myUserName" "myPassword"
            |> ajaxCache True)
        { local = local
        , remote = remote

Put, Post, Get and All_docs, Query Operations on databases

All these oprations are implemented as Tasks. Below is an example for the Put Operation.

    type Message = PutButton
                 | Put (Result Pouchdb.Fail Pouchdb.Put)

    -- a bit of encoding
    encoder : String->String->Encode.Value
    encoder id val =
          [ ("_id", Encode.string id)
          , ("val", Encode.string val)
    -- PutButton was sent by a button, see how a put task is now send.
    update : Message -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Message)
    update msg model =
      case msg of
            task = (Pouchdb.put model.localDb (encoder "id2" "hello") Nothing)
            cmd = Task.perform PutError PutSuccess task
        Put msg->
            newMsg = unpack
                 (\m->String.append "Error putting in db with message = " m.message)
                 (\m->String.append "Successfully put in db with rev = " m.rev)
            ({model|returnMsg=Just newMsg}, Cmd.none)


Listening to document changes

Listening to document changes is done with a subscription mecanism

    type Message = Change Change.ChangeEvent
                   | ...

    update : Message -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Message)
    update msg model =
      case msg of
        Change evt->
          case evt of
            Changed docValue ->
              ... some doc changes here
            Completed ->(model,Cmd.none)
            Error _ ->(model,Cmd.none)

    subscriptions : Model -> Sub Message
    subscriptions model =
        options = Change.changeOptions
                  |> since Now
        change = Change.new "change1" model.localDb options Change

Replicating documents from one database to another

Replication is done with a subscription mecanism

    type Message = Replicate Replicate.ReplicateEvent
                    | ...
    type alias Model = { sourceDb : Pouchdb
                       , destDb : Pouchdb

    update : Message -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Message)
    update msg model =
      case msg of
        Replicate evt->
          -- providing all cases here, for documentation only
          case evt of
            Replicate.Completed value->(model,Cmd.none)
            Replicate.Active value->(model,Cmd.none)
            Replicate.Paused value->(model,Cmd.none)
            Replicate.Changed value->(model,Cmd.none)
            Replicate.Denied value->(model,Cmd.none)
            Replicate.Error value->(model,Cmd.none)
    subscriptions : Model -> Sub Message
    subscriptions model =
        replOpt = Replicate.defaultOptions
        replication = Replicate.new "replication" model.sourceDb model.destDb replOpt Replicate
      Sub.batch [replication, ...]