A simple click counter, with as many buttons as you need. Demo here. It's a fully installable PWA, so try it on your smartphone!
It is made to work on Cloudant and Now ZEIT. It should work on any other Couchdb and static hosting.
Create an account on both, then create a DB on Cloudant and generate an API key for it (Cloudant dashboard > dbname > permissions).
Set the cloudant URL as a Now secret (set it in your .env for for development), replacing with your own values.
now secret cloudant_url=https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@dburl/dbname
And deploy with :
now --prod
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs, Nuxt on Now V2 and PouchDB.