Fable Browser App

This is a simple Fable app which draws a grid into a canvas element.


Building and running the app

  • Install JS dependencies: npm install
  • Start Webpack dev server: npx webpack-dev-server or npm start
  • After the first compilation is finished, in your browser open: http://localhost:8080/

Any modification you do to the F# code will be reflected in the web page after saving.

Project structure


JS dependencies are declared in package.json, while package-lock.json is a lock file automatically generated.


Webpack is a JS bundler with extensions, like a static dev server that enables hot reloading on code changes. Fable interacts with Webpack through the fable-loader. Configuration for Webpack is defined in the webpack.config.js file. Note this sample only includes basic Webpack configuration for development mode, if you want to see a more comprehensive configuration check the Fable webpack-config-template.


The sample only contains two F# files: the project (.fsproj) and a source file (.fs) in the src folder.

Web assets

The index.html file and other assets like an icon can be found in the public folder.