
When you have to deal with a complex application settings, enter manually this variable into the the Octopus UI can be painful. Also mistake or bad copy paste can happen. This tool allow you to export your appsettings json variable into your octopus project.

Primary LanguageF#

Octopus Config Exporter


Why this tool?

When you have to deal with a complex application settings, enter manually this variable into the the Octopus UI can be painful. Also mistake or bad copy paste can happen. This tool allow you to export your appsettings json variable into your octopus project.

WARNING: if you are dealing with sensitive value like password, credentials. Don't put this value in your appsettings file (that maybe can be commited into your VCS), instead just put a placeholder value that you can replace later in the octopus UI.


.NET 6 SDK or later


dotnet tool install --global Octopus.Config.Exporter.Cli

How to use it

 USAGE: octopus-config-exporter [--help] --octopusserver <server> --octopusapikey <apiKey>
                                --octopusproject <projectName> [--prefix <prefix>] [--scope <prefix>]
                                [--nosecure] <path>


    <path>                specify a json config file to export


    --octopusserver <server>
                          specify a the address of the octopus server (can also be set with OCTOPUS_SERVER
                          environnment variable)
    --octopusapikey <apiKey>
                          specify your api key (can also be set with OCTOPUS_API_KEY environnment variable)
    --octopusproject <projectName>
                          specify the project name (can also be set with OCTOPUS_PROJECT_NAME environnment
    --prefix <prefix>     specify the prefix of Env Var (can also be set with OCTOPUS_PREFIX environnment
    --scope <prefix>      scope for applying config
    --nosecure            display sensitive data
    --help                display this list of options.


Datetime variable didn't work correctly.