
Why is an hour broken into 24 parts, then that broken into 60 more?

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This code for a decimal clock which runs on arduino


I dont like the second. It is (debatably) the the worst metric base unit of mesurement, it is used due to purely historic reasons, other units are based directly off pysical properties or a multiple of 10 of a physical property.

many others have thought of this and many other people have made decimal time systems, I suggest looking up french revolution time or swatch internet time.

so I have created a clock for displaying time in both 24hr time and decimal time so people understand the easier system.

Standard 24hr time

Stnadard- Hours Minutes Seconds
1 Day = 24 1440 86 400
1 Hour = - 60 3600
1 Minute = - - 60

This is highly illogical since the devisor is not a power of 10 nor a constant for each increment.

Decimal time

Decimal - Hours Minutes Seconds
1 Day = 10 1000 100 000
1 Hour = - 100 10 000
1 Minute = - - 100

24 to decimal conversions

std/dec Hours Minutes Seconds
1 Hour = 0.41 41.67 4166.67
1 Minute = 0.0069 0.69 69.44
1 Second = 0.00012 0.012 1.16

Decimal to 24 conversions

dec/std Hours Minutes Seconds
1 Hour = 2.40 144.00 8640
1 Minute = 0.024 1.44 86.40
1 Second = 0.0024 0.014 0.86

this shows a decimal second is shorter than a standard one giving more acuracy while a minute and an hour is longer.

Features to be added

  • Button functionality
  • I will be adding networking capabilties

I will also potentailly start selling prebuilt models.

circuit diagram
