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👨🏻‍💻  A Little Bit About Me and My Interests

name: Piyush Malhotra
located_in: Montreal, Quebec
current_job: Full Stack Developer
    "Self-Taught Developer and Designer",
    "Master's in Electrical and Computer Engineering",
    "Bachelor's in Electronics and Communication",
company: Soulber

    "Web Development",
    "Data Science",
    "Machine Learning",
    "Game Development",
    "DevOps Solutions Architect",
    "Intern - Data Science & Machine Learning in Python",
    "Intern - Internet Of Things",
    "Intern - VLSI and FPGA Implementation",
currently_learning: ["Docker, Kubernetes and React Native"]
2022 Goals: ["Create 20+ Projects and learn at least 5 new Technologies."]
hobbies: ["Gaming", "Cinema", "Skateboarding", "Art", "Comedy"]

🚀  Some Tools I Have Used and Learned

vscode python javascript react VueJS html bootstrap css3 mongodb mysql nodejs php Laravel flutter docker kubernetes linux git bash figma

📈  My GitHub History!

Snake animation