
A helpdesk matrix bot

Primary LanguageGoGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Honoroit Matrix

more about that name

A helpdesk bot, used as part of etke.cc service.

The main idea of that bot is to give you the same abilities as with website chats (like Intercom, jivosite, etc) inside the matrix.


  • chat-based configuration
  • prometheus metrics on /metrics endpoint
  • Redmine integration
  • MSC4144 integration
  • End-to-End encryption
  • Get a message from any matrix user proxied to a specific room. Any message that user will send in his 1:1 room with Honoroit will be proxied as thread messages
  • Chat with that user through the honoroit bot in a thread inside your special room. Any member of that special room can participate in discussion
  • When request fulfilled - send a !ho done in that thread - thread topic will be renamed and "proxied user" will know that request was closed (bot will leave user's room with special notice)

How it looks like

Step 1: a matrix user (customer) sends a message to Honoroit bot in direct 1:1 chat

step 1

Step 2: a new thread created in the backoffice room

step 2

Step 3: operator(-s) chat with customer in that thread

step 3

Step 4: customer sees that like a direct 1:1 chat with honoroit user

step 4

Step 5: operator closes the request

step 5

Step 6: customer receives special message and bot leaves the room

step 6


  • Unit tests


Available commands in the threads. Note that all commands should be called with prefix, so !ho done will work, but simple done will not.

  • done - close the current request and mark is as done. Customer will receive special message and honoroit bot will leave 1:1 chat with customer. Any new message to the thread will not work and return error.
  • rename TXT - rename the thread topic title, when you want to change the standard message to something different
  • note NOTE - a message prefixed with !ho note will not be sent anywhere, it's a safe place to keep notes for other operations in a thread with a customer, example: !ho note @room need help with this one
  • invite - invite yourself into the customer 1:1 room
  • start MXID - start a conversation with a MXID from the honoroit (like a new thread, but initialized by operator), eg: !ho start @user:example.com
  • count MXID - count a request from MXID and their homeserver, but don't actually create a room or invite them
  • config - show all config options
  • config KEY - show specific config option and its current value
  • config KEY VALUE - update value of the specific config option


env vars


  • HONOROIT_HOMESERVER - homeserver url, eg: https://matrix.example.com
  • HONOROIT_LOGIN - user login, localpart when using password (e.g., honoroit), OR full MXID when using shared secret (e.g., @honoroit:example.com)
  • HONOROIT_PASSWORD - user password, alternatively you may use shared secret
  • HONOROIT_SHAREDSECRET - alternative to password, shared secret (details)
  • HONOROIT_ROOMID - room ID where threads will be created, eg: !test:example.com


honoroit internals

  • HONOROIT_PREFIX - command prefix
  • HONOROIT_PORT - http port
  • HONOROIT_DATA_SECRET - secure key (password) to encrypt account data, must be 16, 24, or 32 bytes long
  • HONOROIT_MONITORING_SENTRY_RATE - sentry sample rate, from 0 to 100 (default: 20)
  • HONOROIT_MONITORING_HEALTHCHECKS_URL - healthchecks.io url, default: https://hc-ping.com
  • HONOROIT_MONITORING_HEALTHCHECKS_DURATION - heathchecks.io duration between pings in seconds (default: 5)
  • HONOROIT_LOGLEVEL - log level
  • HONOROIT_CACHESIZE - max allowed mappings in cache
  • HONOROIT_NOENCRYPTION - disable e2e encryption support
  • HONOROIT_DB_DSN - database connection string
  • HONOROIT_DB_DIALECT - database dialect (postgres, sqlite3)
  • HONOROIT_METRICS_LOGIN - /metrics login
  • HONOROIT_METRICS_PASSWORD - /metrics password
  • HONOROIT_METRICS_IPS - /metrics allowed ips


Optional 2-way sync with redmine

  • HONOROIT_REDMINE_HOST - redmine host, e.g. https://redmine.example.com
  • HONOROIT_REDMINE_PROJECT - redmine project identifier, e.g. internal-project
  • HONOROIT_REDMINE_TRACKERID - redmine tracker ID, e.g. 1
  • HONOROIT_REDMINE_NEWSTATUSID - redmine "new" status ID, e.g. 1
  • HONOROIT_REDMINE_INPROGRESSSTATUSID - redmine "in progress" status ID, e.g. 2
  • HONOROIT_REDMINE_DONESTATUSID - redmine "done" status ID, e.g. 3

You can find default values in config/defaults.go