
Deploy your GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket projects automatically on Git push events or webhooks using this small HTTP server written in Python. Continuous deployment in it's most simple form.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

What is it?

GitAutoDeploy.py consists of a small HTTP server that listens for Web hook requests sent from GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket servers. This application allows you to continuously and automatically deploy you projects each time you push new commits to your repository.


How does it work?

When commits are pushed to your Git repository, the Git server will notify GitAutoDeploy.py by sending a HTTP POST request with a JSON body to a pre configured URL (your-host:8001). The JSON body contains detailed information about the repository and what event that triggered the request. GitAutoDeploy.py parses and validates the request, and if all goes well it issues a git pull.

Additionally, GitAutoDeploy.py can be configured to execute a shell command upon each successful git pull, which can be used to trigger custom build actions or test scripts.

Getting started


  • Git (tested on version 2.5.0)
  • Python (tested on version 2.7)


  • Copy GitAutoDeploy.conf.json.example to GitAutoDeploy.conf.json
  • Modify GitAutoDeploy.conf.json to match your project setup
  • Make sure that the pidfilepath path is writable for the user running the script, as well as any other path configured for your repositories.
  • If you don't want to execute git pull after webhook was fired, you can leave field "path" empty.

See the Configuration documentation for more details.


To start logging you can define "logfilepath": "/home/hermes/gitautodeploy.log". Note that you can`t see triggered command output when log is defined, only script output. If you leave "logfilepath" empty - everething will work as usual (without log).

Running the application

python GitAutoDeploy.py

Command line options

Command line option Environment variable Config attribute Description
--daemon-mode (-d) GAD_DAEMON_MODE Run in background (daemon mode)
--quiet (-q) GAD_QUIET Supress console output
--ssh-keygen GAD_SSH_KEYGEN Scan repository hosts for ssh keys
--force GAD_FORCE Kill any process using the configured port
--config (-c) GAD_CONFIG Custom configuration file
--pid-file GAD_PID_FILE pidfilepath Specify a custom pid file
--log-file GAD_LOG_FILE logfilepath Specify a log file
--host GAD_HOST host Address to bind to
--port GAD_PORT port Port to bind to

Start automatically on boot


The easiest way to configure your system to automatically start GitAutoDeploy.py after a reboot is through crontab. Open crontab in edit mode using crontab -e and add the following:

@reboot /usr/bin/python /path/to/GitAutoDeploy.py --daemon-mode --quiet

Debian and Sys-V like init system.

  • Copy file initfiles/debianLSBInitScripts/gitautodeploy to /etc/init.d/
  • Make it executable: chmod 755 /etc/init.d/gitautodeploy
  • Also you need to make GitAutoDeploy.py executable (if it isn't already): chmod 755 GitAutoDeploy.py
  • This init script assumes that you have GitAutoDeploy.py installed in /opt/Git-Auto-Deploy/ and that the pidfilepath config option is set to /var/run/gitautodeploy.pid. If this is not the case, edit the gitautodeploy init script and modify DAEMON, PWD and PIDFILE.
  • Now you need to add the correct symbolic link to your specific runlevel dir to get the script executed on each start up. On Debian_Sys-V just do update-rc.d gitautodeploy defaults


  • Copy file initfiles/systemd/gitautodeploy.service to /etc/systemd/system
  • Also you need to make GitAutoDeploy.py executable (if it isn't already): chmod 755 GitAutoDeploy.py
  • And also you need to create the user and the group www-data if those not exists useradd -U www-data
  • This init script assumes that you have GitAutoDeploy.py installed in /opt/Git-Auto-Deploy/. If this is not the case, edit the gitautodeploy.service service file and modify ExecStart and WorkingDirectory.
  • now reload daemons systemctl daemon-reload
  • Fire it up systemctl start gitautodeploy
  • Make is start on system boot systemctl enable gitautodeploy

Configure GitHub

  • Go to your repository -> Settings -> Webhooks and Services -> Add webhook
  • In "Payload URL", enter your hostname and port (your-host:8001)
  • Hit "Add webhook"

Configure GitLab

  • Go to your repository -> Settings -> Web hooks
  • In "URL", enter your hostname and port (your-host:8001)
  • Hit "Add Web Hook"

Configure Bitbucket

  • Go to your repository -> Settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook
  • In "URL", enter your hostname and port (your-host:8001)
  • Hit "Save"

Example workflows

Continuous Delivery via Pull requests (GitHub only)

It's possible to configure Git-Auto-Deploy to trigger when pull requests are opened or closed on GitHub. To read more about this workflow and how to configure Git-Aut-Deploy here: [Continuous Delivery via Pull requests](./docs/Continuous Delivery via Pull requests.md)