To install the replayer service go to the commandline
gem install cpee-replayer
cpee-replayer replayer
cd replayer
./task start
The service is running under port 9300. If this port has to be changed (or the host, or local-only access, ...), create a file log.conf and add one or many of the following yaml keys:
:port: 9250
To connect the cpee to the replayer, one of two things can be done: (1) add a handler to a testset/template:
<handler url="http://localhost:9300/">
<events topic="description">change</events>
<events topic="state">change</events>
(2) add a default handler to the cpee by adding, options) do
@riddl_opts[:notifications_init] = File.join(__dir__,'resources','notifications')
use CPEE::implementation(@riddl_opts)
to the server (or alternatively to a cpee.conf with :notification_init beeing a top-level yaml key). Then add a subscription file to notifications/logging/subscription.xml
<subscription xmlns="" url="http://localhost:9300/">
<topic id="description">
<topic id="state">
Furthermore the following addition has to be made to every instance that acts as a replayer base instance:
- Add attribute ''sim_engine'' that points to http://localhost:9300/ or any url with a replayer
- Add attribute ''sim_target'' which points to a xes-yaml file (generated with a least cpee-logging-xes-yaml >= 1.0.3)
- Add attriture ''sim_translate'' which points to a yaml file that holds information how to deal with special endpoints, i.e., instantiate which requires that the actual call is done instead of replay.
A typical sim_translate file has the following form:
"type": "instantiation",
"endpoint": "",
"arguments": {
"url": "CPEE-SIM-MODEL",
"attributes": { "sim_engine": "CPEE-SIM-ENGINE", "sim_target": "CPEE-SIM-TARGET", "sim_translate": "CPEE-SIM-TRANSLATE" }
for a certain event (instantiate) all other attributes are used to overwrite the activity attributes (in this case set a new endpoint and change the arguments to the new values provided in the file). This allows (in this case), to redirect all instantiations to a different instantiator and provide some extra arguments.