
Companion code for paper on Froggatt-Nielsen textures.

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT


This is companion code for the paper Mapping and Probing Froggatt-Nielsen Solutions to the Quark Flavor Puzzle, arXiv:2306.08026.

This code is written in the Nim programming language, with some Python code (Jupyter notebooks) for visualization.

Dependencies are stored in the FNTexScan.nimble file. To install all dependencies, run nimble check in the top-level directory. Then to build the main binary, use:

nim c -d:danger FNTexScan/FNTexScan

Note that the nim.cfg file in that directory is set for building on MacOS with Apple silicon; you may need to adjust it for your machine.

Aside from some additional Nim libraries, the GNU Scientific Library is a required dependency. The code must be linked to the GSL using the library flag -lgslcblas; see the nim.cfg file. On my machine, I also had to add the library directory to my $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH; since I use homebrew, this amounted to adding the flag

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib:$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

to my ~/.zshrc file.