
Connects to a Domiq Base (LCN) and translate from and to MQTT.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DoMiQTT - node.js based LCN/Domiq Base-MQTT-bridge


Connects to a Domiq Base (LCN) and translate from and to MQTT.

What does it?

The DOMIQ base (https://domiq.eu/products/d_bl_1b) is a DIN rail mounted device which connects to LCN (http://lcn.de/) building automation. Beside of a Abode flash based webinterface it provides a proprietary and text based event stream on TCP port 4224. Using this port one can read (almost) all LCN events and also trigger actions.

MQTT (http://mqtt.org/) is a very lightweight protocol for e.g. sensor data. Many home automation systems (like OpenHAB http://www.openhab.org/ or Home Assistant https://home-assistant.io/) can talk to MQTT.

This software connects the Domiq's port 4244 on one side and implements a MQTT client to connect to a MQTT broker (e.g. mosquitto https://mosquitto.org) on the other. Thus it's acting a a bridge and enables software like OpenHAB or Home-Assistant to read from and control LCN based smart homes.


  • Domiq base
  • a MQTT broker (e.g. mosquitto)
  • node.js/npm


git clone https://github.com/etobi/domiqtt.git 
cd domiqtt
npm install
cp defaultConfig.json config.json
# edit config.json and adjust the IP of the domiq and MQTT
npm start


Domiq's LCN "channel" adresses look like this

  • "LCN" - control something with LCN; Domiq also support other systems like SATEL and provides some internal Values ("VAR." / "MEM."), too.
  • "output" - adress a output (e.g. for a light) of given LCN module
  • "0" - segment address
  • "20" - module address
  • "1" - which output of this module.
  • check Domiq's manual for details

The DoMiQTT will translate these into MQTT topics like

  • "mqttjs_12345678" - SenderID
  • "james/lcn" - a custom prefix configuraable in config.js
  • "LCN/output/0/20/1" - LCN channel address separated with / Ă­nstead of .


  • send MQTT birth/will messages
  • more readable LCN/Domiq-address / MQTT-topic mapping
    • mqttjs_12345678/james/lcn/livingroom/light/ceiling instead of mqttjs_12345678/james/lcn/LCN/output/0/20/1
  • trigger to read a current LCN value on demand (instead of waiting it to change) (sending "LCN.output.0.20.1=?" to Domiq)
  • regulary check all values (sending "?" to domiq) to make sure we dont miss something
  • cache LCN values
  • calculate ages of changed values
  • provide linux init script
  • check using MQTT username/password
  • more.