
CUAP [China Mobile USSD Application Protocol] gateway

Primary LanguageC++


CUAP ( China Mobile USSD Application Protocol ) gateway is a CUAP implementation which provides an HTTP interface with which you can connect your with any language of your choice so far it can do HTTP.

cuap-gateway communicates with ISP via config, data received are sent to HTTP backend via json payload as described below.



Using g++ from the cmd:

g++-8 -O3 -DNDEBUG -fconcepts -std=c++2a main.cpp -I/include/path/to/fmt -I/usr/include/jsoncpp -I/include/path/to/drogn -I/include_other_paths_too -o cuap-gateway.elf -L/path/to/fmt/lib -L/path/to/trantor/lib -L/path/to/drogon/lib -lfmt -ldrogon -ltrantor -ljsoncpp -luuid -lssl -lcrypto -lz -ldl -lpthread

TODO: Building via CMAKE.

Running via Exodus binary:

  1. $ ./gateway.exodus . to extract app into current dir. Current dir now have bin/ data/ and bundles/

  2. $ bin/gateway --config=gateway.json to run the App itself bin/gateway --help to see help message, but config file for control currently.

gateway.json looks like:

      "app": {
         "mode": "gateway",
         "threads": 2

      "gateway": {
         "host": "",
         "port": 8727,

         "system-id"   : "system-id-goes-here",
         "password"    : "password-goes-here",
         "system-type" : "USSD",
         "welcome-page": "WIP",

         "white-list": "./whitelist",

         "client": {
           "url": "",
           "error": {
            	"could-not-fetch" : "Error message goes here. [err=could-not-fetch]",
            	"invalid-data"    : "Error message goes here. [err=invalid-data]",
            	"request-failed"  : "Error message goes here. [err=request-failed]",

app : application configuration

mode: gateway | simple.
      "gateway" mode passes requests to client: string
      "simple"  mode is supposed to display whatever you have in welcome-page only : string [WIP]

threads:  App threads to run: integer [WIP]

gateway : USSDC gateway configuration

host:   put the host given to you by ISP : string
port:   Port                             : integer

  If you've read the CUAP Documention, the parts below will be familiar.

system-id   : contact your Service Provider : string
      Specification says not more than 11 characters. Truncation will in the gateway if it exceeds.

password    : contact your Service Provider : string
      Specification says not more than 9 characters. Truncation will in the gateway if it exceeds.

system-type : "USSD" : string.
      system-type is "USSD" unless the Service Provider got other ideas.
      Specification says not more than 13 characters. Truncation will in the gateway if it exceeds.

welcome-page: related to app.mode.simple: string [WIP]

white-list: Links to a file listing MSISDN allowed by the gateway to make requests. Any MSISDN not found in the list is ignored.
            MSISDN in file are is separated by new line. Example file included in repo.

client : http backend related config

url: http://ip:port/ : string
	 Url of the HTTP Backend cuap-ateway will forward requests to.

errors: these are errors to be displayed when the particular client in not available.
	could-not-fetch : When it fails trying to get data from HTTP backend.
    invalid-data    : When no | bad | unexpected data is gotten from HTTP backend.
    request-failed  : When user make first request (e.g *292#), and the data couldn't be fetched.

How it works.

1. BIND: Login to USSDC

When cuap-gateway successfully login, it sends below payload to HTTP backend:

{ "command": 103, "length": 31, "system_id": "your system-id" }

HTTP Backend should respond with: { "status": 200, "message": "Success" }

Non 200 indicates error.
2. When user make a USSD request, say *142#.

[2a]. This shows the details of the pdu coming in from USSDC.

{ "sid": "0x0001db02", "rid": "0xffffffff", "service_code": "*142", "operation": "USSR", "msisdn": "80xxxxxxxxxx" }

 sid:          Sender ID
 rid:          Receiver ID
 service_code: code typed, # is removed in the specs
 operation   : represents type of operation to be performed
     USSR = message sent from an SP to the USSDC.
            Comes with Begin message, i.e when user types the code and press send. As we can see above it's "USSR"
     PSSR = process unstructured supplementary service data request (PSSR).
            Dialog with input.
     USSN =
        Unstructured supplementary service data NOTIFY (USSN), message sent from an SP to the USSDC.
        This is the DIALOG without input, just a display dialog hence the name NOTIFY.

​ [2b]. Below is what gets send to the HTTP backend:

{ "command": 111, "sid": "0x00013731", "length": 0, "msisdn": "80xxxxxxxxxx", "content": "*142" }

command: CAUP PDU Command ID, refer to the CUAP docs for this. Convert the HEX to Deicimal for usage here in your json payload.
length : CUAP PDU Command Length
sid    : Sender ID
msisdn : Sender's Phone number
content: What user typed

HTTP Backend responds with:

{ "command": 112, "op_type": 1, "msisdn": "80xxxxxxxxxx", "content": "Welcome to Our USSD Service....." }

op_type: is the operation type discussed above.

USSR = 1,
PSSR = 1, // Yes also one, except the direction is reversed it is sent to caup-gateway -----> USSDC (ISP)
USSN = 2,

[2c]. When user selects an option, u get:

{ "command": 112, "sid": "0x00013731", "length": 66, "msisdn": "80xxxxxxxxxx", "content": "Option 1" }

​ HTTP Backend can reply using below format:

{ "command": 113, "op_type": 2, "msisdn": "80xxxxxxxxxx", "content": "What ever Option one is to fetch" }

command : 113, is USSDEnd. Refer to CUAP Documention from ISP. Remember to convert to decimal.
op_type : 2  , is USSN. As described above in (2a)

​ If you want to keep asking for input, you'd use 112 (CONTINUE) and 1 (PSSR). For example:

{ "command": 112, "op_type": 1, "msisdn": "80xxxxxxxxxx", "content": "Please enter input" }

[2d]. When a user press the Cancel/End button on the phone, USSDC (ISP) sends an abort. cuap-gateway will send the below to the HTTP Backend for processing.

{ "command": 114, "sid": "0x00013731", "length": 20 }

With sid you can know which msisdn aborted, since it's included in the payload shown above in (2b).