Koseven / Kohana Laravel Eloquent ORM Module

A simple module which allows you to add Laravel ORM Eloquent to your Kohana / Koseven install with minimal effort.

Allows you to completely replace Kohana's ORM with Laravel's ORM or make it available to use in addition to Kohana's ORM. Reads the configuration for the database from conf/database.php that Kohana's ORM uses.

Add Laravel's eloquent database to your vendors.

First upgrade your deps by updating your composer.json to upgrade the following, this may break tests as you are upgrading the phpunit, phpcov, and db unit to latest:

   "require-dev": {
-    "phpunit/phpunit": "^6.0|^7.0",
-    "phpunit/dbunit":"^3.0",
-    "phpunit/phpcov": "^4.0",
+    "phpunit/phpunit": "*",
+    "phpunit/dbunit":"*",
+    "phpunit/phpcov": "*",
     "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.0"

Now install illuminate/database.

composer require illuminate/database

Copy this module to the modules directory and enable it in your bootstrap.php

  'eloquent' => MODPATH.'eloquent'

Create a new directory application/classes/Models to hold your ORM models.

Create a new model for instance a application/classes/Models/File.php

The class name follows Kohana's standard. Eloquent uses the class name to determine the table, because of this you will need to manually specify the name of the table. To refence the model in eloquent relations use Models_Files::class.

You can use the model in your controller by class name, i.e. new Models_Files()

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Models_File extends Model
    protected $table = 'files';
    public $timestamps = false;

You can also use the Capsule class to access the query builder.


use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;

$users = Capsule::table('users')->where('votes', '>', 100)->get();

$results = Capsule::select('select * from users where id = ?', [1]);