
A simple example of using the new React Context API

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Front End React Components Library

Using this library

(This library is not available for downloading from npm yet. Once it is, usage instructions will be provided)


  1. Clone the repository by: git clone git@github.com:wakoopa/fronk.git
  2. Move to folder: cd fronk
  3. Install dependencies with npm install or yarn install

There is not a default dev command. All of the components are developed through an [Storybook |https://storybook.js.org/] environment.

Using Storybook

In order to start your development environment, you will need to start the Storybook server.

Run npm run storybook

Once it is done, you will be able to see every story at http://localhost:9001

In order to include a new story in Storybooks, just create it

// /.storybook/stories/YourStory.stories.jsx
import React from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
import MyComponent from '../../src/components/MyComponent';

storiesOf('Your Stories', module)
  .add('First Story', () => <MyComponent {...myProps} />);

When this environment is running, all the code (component, story and styles) are hot reloaded.

Also, some stories are synchronized with its components tests using the Jest Addon, so it is good to run also the npm run test:watch command. This is only one of the addons added to the environment.

Available Commands

  • npm run lint - execute linter check with ESLint. Default config is set at .eslintrc.
  • npm run test - run all tests and updates coverage report.
  • npm run test:watch - run all tests in watch mode, and outputs results for storybook synchronization.
  • npm run storybook - Explained at Using Storybook
  • npm run storybook:build - create a storybook production ready build in /.out folder
  • npm run build - creates a build of the library in /dist folder
  • npm run clean - Removes the folder created with a build command
  • npm run transpile - Creates a package version for its distribution from its build