
Binding of libmpg123 to octave

Primary LanguageC++

This is a simple binding to libmpg123 from octave. Contents:



  • Initializes the libmpg123 library

[mh,rate,channels,bsize] = mp3open( filename )

  • open a mp3 file
  • return a pointer to memory where the mpg123 handle is Sampling rate in Hz Number of channels Recommended minimum read block size
  • Initializes the library to int16 samples on 2 channels with 44100 Hz rate

[nread,data] = mp3read( mh, size )

  • try read from the mp3 file represented by mpg123 handle mh "size" number of samples
  • return nread - number of read samples (==size in the middle, <size at end, ==0 at EOF) data, a int16(channels,nread) containing the read data

mp3close( mh )

  • close the mp3 file