Apache Kafka Producer/Consumer example for (Node.js)

Getting started

Setup your free Apache Kafka instance here: https://www.cloudkarafka.com


  • export CLOUDKARAFKA_BROKERS="host1:9094,host2:9094,host3:9094" Hostnames can be found in the Details view in for your CloudKarafka instance.
  • export CLOUDKARAFKA_USERNAME="username" Username can be found in the Details view in for your CloudKarafka instance.
  • export CLOUDKARAFKA_PASSWORD="password" Password can be found in the Details view in for your CloudKarafka instance.
  • export CLOUDKARAFKA_TOPIC_PREFIX="<username>-" Topic prefix should be the same as your username.

These export commands must be run in both of the terminal windows below.

git clone https://github.com/CloudKarafka/nodejs-kafka-example.git
cd nodejs-kafka-example
npm install
node consumer.js

Open another terminal window

# setup ENV variables for the new terminal window (from above)
cd nodejs-kafka-example
node consumer.js