# DB_Loader To load files into the cloud, use the bash script load_csv_to_cloud.sh in the scripts folder. A utility for managing log files. USAGE: lein run -m db_loader :filename ~/log_file_location/some_output_file.log :problemname problem lein run -m db_loader :clean (some-list-of-csv-files | all) lein run -m db_loader :filename ~/log_file_location/some_output_file.log :problemname problem :mysql {password P@$$w0rd db-host localhost} The :problemname argument is optional; it's used to look up and track semantically grouped problems (e.g. all dsoar problems). Settings are held in the ~/.db_config file. If you do not already have one, one will be created. ## License Copyright (C) 2012 Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.