This is a list of materials and resources on causal inference for computer systems, covering the areas of architecture, database, networking, operating systems, programming languages, and software engineering.
Demonstration of Inferring Causality from RelationalDatabases with CaRL (VLDB, 2020)
Causal Relational Learning (SIGMOD, 2020)
Causality-Guided Adaptive Interventional Debugging (SIGMOD, 2020)
Interventional Fairness: Causal Database Repair for Algorithmic Fairness (SIGMOD, 2019)
Causality and Explanations in Databases (VLDB, 2014)
Tracing Data Errors with View-Conditioned Causality (SIGMOD, 2011)
Bringing Provenance to its Full Potential using Causal Reasoning (TaPP, 2011)
Why So? or Why No? Functional Causality for Explaining Query Answers (MUD with VLDB, 2010)
The Complexity of Causality and Responsibility for Query Answers and non-Answers (VLDB, 2010)
Causality in Databases (IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 2010)
Hound: Causal Learning for Datacenter-scale Straggler Diagnosis (SIGMETRICS, 2018)
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Causal! Scalable Causal Consistency with No Slowdown Cascades (NSDI, 2017)
CauseInfer: Automatic and distributed performance diagnosis with hierarchical causality graph in large distributed systems (INFOCOM, 2014)
Detecting Network Neutrality Violations with Causal Inference (CoNEXT, 2009)
Answering What-if Deployment and Configuration Questions with Wise (SIGCOMM, 2008)
COZ: Finding Code that Counts with Causal Profiling (SOSP, 2015)
Pivot Tracing: Dynamic Causal Monitoring for Distributed Systems (SOSP, 2015)
We are Losing Track: a Case for Causal Metadata in Distributed Systems (HPTS, 2015)
Update on 03/29/2021 (Credits to James Koppel)
Indirect and Total Causal Influence (Skunkworks from James Koppel, 2020)
Demystifying Dependence (Onward!, 2020)
A Language for Counterfactual Generative Models (Arxiv, 2019)
Counterfactual Resimulation for Causal Analysis of Rule-Based Models (IJCAI, 2018)
Causality and Responsibility for Formal Verification and Beyond (EPTCS, 2016)
Cause Reduction: Delta Debugging, Even without Bugs (Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 2016)
EventBreak: Analyzing the Responsiveness of User Interfaces through Performance-Guided Test Generation (OOPSLA, 2014)
Mitigating the Confounding Effects of Program Dependences for Effective Fault Localization (FSE, 2011)
Whodunit? Causal Analysis for Counterexamples (ATVA, LNCS, 2006)
Isolating Cause-Effect Chains from Computer Programs (FSE, 2002)
Causal Testing: Understanding Defects’ Root Causes (ICSE, 2020)
ML-based Fault Injection for Autonomous Vehicles (DSN, 2019)
PlanAlyzer: Assessing Threats to the Validity of Online Experiments (OOPSLA, 2019)
AsyncClock: Scalable Inference of Asynchronous Event Causality (ASPLOS, 2017)
LDX: Causality Inference by Lightweight Dual Execution (ASPLOS, 2016)
Causal Inference for Statistical Fault Localization (ISSTA, 2010)
Causal Dataflow Analysis for Concurrent Programs (TOCAS, 2007)
- Mining Root Cause Knowledge from Cloud Service Incident Investigations for AIOps (ICSE 2022) Infers CGMs and uses them to return root causes.
- PUS: A Fast and Highly Efficient Solver for Inclusion-based Pointer Analysis (ICSE 2022) Generates a "causality subgraph" of points-to sets to identify invariants and scale pointer analysis.
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