PyData Zurich meetup Blockchain
This is a basic implementation for the Build your own Blockchain 🎄 PyData Zurich 🎄 Xmas special and is mainly derived from this repository.
Click the badge to run the notebooks from your browser:
The app is deployed on Heroku an accessible:
To run the application locally make sure to have all dependencies installed and then launch the server:
> pip3 install -r requirements.txt > python3
To run the blockchain in a docker environment run:
> docker build -t blockchain_pydatazrh:latest . > docker run -d -p 8080:5000 blockchain_pydatazrh
If you want to run it on your own Heroku account simply type:
> heroku login > heroku create > git push heroku master > heroku ps:scale web=1 > heroku open