** Architecture **
Modèle de données NoSQL :
- Uid
- Available null,0,1
- Start Date
- End Date or plage
- Geo
- Discriminant : Hashtag
- Description
Service :
- add a resource
- update a resource
- rewrite
- reindex
- delete a resource
- desindexation
- percolation:i
* The store search
- an availlable resource, with certain keword in a quite large area
* Store research and percolate
* When adding or updating : percolate
* Send a notification
- RoutingKey :
must be written on login
the email is not enough
- Notification
* Store undelivered message.
* Redeliver and Service reconnection.
* Client side : message must be still delivered on slepping application.
- when adding a resource reverseGeocoding to set address.