
Adds browser classes to document body. For better browser css bug fixing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Codacy Badge

Adds browser classes to document body. For better cross browser SCSS styling.

This library adds the current browser and version to the <body> tag as a class to the site.

Once you run the class, your <body> tag will have the following class added.

<body class="browser-firefox-65">
<body class="browser-ie-10">


npm i --save browser-classes


import BrowserClasses from 'browser-classes';
new BrowserClasses();

SCSS Usage

Use the @at-root method when using with SCSS

.myClass {
    color: red;
    @at-root .browser-ie-10 {
        color: blue

This will target Internet Explorer 10 with browser-ie-10 added to the body tag.

<body class="browser-ie-10">

Javascript usage

The below method can test for Internet Explorer 9

if (document.body.classList.contains('browser-ie-9')) {
    // fix

Browser only targeting

To target only a certain browser not by version use the following syntax.

body[class^="browser-firefox"] {
    color: red;

Browser Support

Currently this library identifies the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Edge
  • Safari
  • Firefox

Example class names for browsers

Below arte some examples of the classes that will be generated for the browsers.

Browser Class
Internet Explorer 10 <body class="browser-ie-10">
Edge 12 <body class="browser-edge-12">
Google Chrome 50 <body class="browser-chrome-50">
Firefox 60 <body class="browser-firefox-60">
Safari 11 <body class="browser-safari-11">