
This is a mini-experiment to embed Storybook in NextJS.

How it works

It takes the NextJS starter template, adds a standard Storybook install, and then adds a "preview" page pages/preview.js, which embeds the Storybook runtime and is used to replace Storybook's "preview" iframe.

From there, you can run the dev server and then run Storybook's manager UI against it.

yarn dev
yarn storybook --no-manager-cache --preview-url=http://localhost:7000/preview


  • ✅ It's fast, thanks to Next's on-demand building
  • ✅ It uses the same settings as your app because it's running in your app


  • ❌ It doesn't support .storybook/main.js globs, e.g. '../**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'
  • ❌ It doesn't yet support @storybook/docs webpack magic