
NEST Compiler

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Contributions to NEST-C are welcomed and encouraged! We are proud to collaborate with the following companies on our open-source project:

We appreciate their support and contributions to our project. Click on the logos to learn more about each partner and their involvement with our project.





Video Label ETRI Conference 2024, AI 컴파일러로 실용화에 한발짝 더 다가선 AI 반도체

The NEST Compiler (NEST-C) is an open source project led by ETRI, which is based on [GLOW project] (https://github.com/pytorch/glow).

Glow is a machine learning compiler and execution engine for hardware accelerators. It is designed to be used as a backend for high-level machine learning frameworks. The compiler is designed to allow state of the art compiler optimizations and code generation of neural network graphs.

The objective of NEST-C is to generate optimized code for various kinds of Neural-network Processing Uints (NPUs). Therefore, NEST-C provides automatic tuning functionalities and tools for each optimization step.

Optimization modules and tools of NEST-Compiler

Input/output examples of NEST-C modules


  • NPU HW backend supporting EVTA series
  • Automatic backend parameter tuning (under development)
  • Profile-based dyanamic quantization for supporting various NPU backends
  • C/C++ code generation for embedded HWs supporting gcc/llvm compilers
  • Profile-based graph partitioning


Research Papers




NEST-C is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.