The program is a clone of the famous game Minesweeper. In order to compile it, just clone the repository and then compile it with the following command:
g++ [-g] [-D DEBUG] -std=c++17 -o minesweeper src/* -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
- g++ (or equivalent) that supports c++17
- SFML library installed in the default PATH (tested with version 2.5.1, but it should work with any recent enough version)
- Three standard difficulties available (easy, medium, hard)
- Custom game parameters (rows, columns, mines) within some limits
- Random placement of mines uses the Mersenne Twister engine provided by c++'s standard library link
- Recursive uncovering of adjacent cells with value 0
The code is licensed under the GPLv3 license, a copy of which has been provided in the file COPYING