
Most easy Button library for Arduino.

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense

Arduino Simple Button Library

Visit my website www.etronicskh.com.


You can use the number of button as the Arduino possibility pin either digital or analog pins. Also possible to use the mixing both pull-up or pull-down.

The library uses millis() as denouncing and holding timer, any action of changing Timer0 will effect your button features.

Button Initailization

You need to initiate the button independently by pin and button-initial. The button initail state is dependent on pulling-up or pulling-down. HIGH or true if pulled-up and LOW or false if pulled-down.

Note: Initiate as HIGH, the library already initiate Arduino pin as INPUT_PULLUP.

  • Create new buttons:

    #inclue <button.h>
    button BUTTON_ONE(3, HIGH); //pull-up button
    button BUTTON_TWO(A0, LOW); //pull-down button
  • Initialize buttons:

    void setup(){
  • Set debounce delay (Optional)

    The defualt debounce delay is 100ms, it's optional to set if the delay is okay. Possible to set to Zero.


Button Features

Integrated with essential actions while using buttons and making each function works independently. You can call any function any time and any where in your code but please note There's no interrupt action.

  • Push Detection:

    This function detects when the button is pushed, same as detecting falling-edge with pull-up button or rising-edge with pull-down button.

    Return boolean.

    bool button_one_push = BUTTON_ONE.push();
    bool button_two_push = BUTTON_TWO.push();
  • Pressing Detection:

    This function detects whenever button is pushed down, same as detection LOW with pull-up button or HIGH with pull-down button.

    Return boolean.

    bool button_one_press = BUTTON_ONE.press();
    bool button_two_press = BUTTON_TWO.press();
  • Release Detection: This function detects when button is released, same as rising-edge with pull-up button or falling-edge with pull-down button.

    Return boolean.

    bool button_one_released = BUTTON_ONE.release();
    bool button_two_released = BUTTON_TWO.release();
  • Holding Timer:

    This function returns timer in milliseconds, starts counting when button is pushed down till reset holding or released.

    Return long.

    long button_one_hold_time = BUTTON_ONE.onHold();
    long button_two_hold_time = BUTTON_TWO.onHold();
  • Reset Holding:

    This function resets and stop the onHold() timer. holding timer will start again till new push.

    Return none.

    if(button_one_hold_time >= 5000){
      Serial.println("Holding button 1 longer than 5 second.");

    This library will update to match the most use button function with Arduino by Theara.