This repo is a collection of the challenges and projects I've written throughout my nine DevBootcamp. While I am proud of how much I've learnt and the work I've done, I also recognize that much of the code could be refactored and improved. This repo represents the journey and how I've progressed.
Basics of Ruby.
Favorite Challenge:
- Sudoku: After the first week of DBC, we built a Ruby application that would solve a Sudoku puzzle that does not involve guessing.
Object Oriented Programming.
Favorite Challenges:
- CLI Todo List: A simple Todo application in the commandline.
- HackerNews Scraper: One of the first applications I built alone. It uses Nokogiri and scraps HackerNews for the neccescary data.
SQL, SQLite, ActiveRecord.
Favorite Challenge:
- Todo's with a ActiveRecord Database: A Todo applicaton that is supported by an ActiveRecord database.
More ActiveRecord. Sinatra. HTML & CSS.
Favorite Challenges:
- Dummy Users: A user sign up, user login application. This application was built to practice user authentication using bCrypt.
- Sinatra URL Shortener: An application used to practice RESTful routes and url params.
- Flashcards v2: A Sinatra flashcard application. This application requires user signup and provides analytics on the users progress when testing their skills with flashcards.
Javascript & jQuery.
Favorite Challenges:
- Simon Says: An javascript/jQuery application that randomly changes the color of a box.
- JS Racer: A javascript/jQuery application that allows two users to race their squares across the screen with input from key presses.
Favorite Challenges:
- Tweet Now! Multi-User: A Sinatra application that uses Twitter OAuth for users to login and tweet.
Rails, TDD - rspec
Favorite Challenge:
- rspec in Sinatra: My first experience with rspec testing.
- rspec Todo: A unit testing a todo list with rspec.
Rails, more JS, application optimization
Favorite Challenge:
- Karma Ville: Too Slow: Challenged focused on improving the performances by using index and improving the database.
- JS PostIt Board: An OOJS application that creates post-it notes on a board.
- TDD Rails Polling: TDD Rails Survey application focused on practicing rspec and nested attributes.
Final Project
- Jailbird: Live Application My final project application. This app allows users to call one phone number to either connect with a contact from their address book, send a group text message, or a voice blast to a group of people. It uses Twilio's API and Devise and is built on Rails. I mostly contributed to building our hotline, the first-time user signup flow, and the javascript functionalities.