A Yeoman generator that sets up a hybrid multi platform project for concurrently developing native mobile apps (iOS and Andoid), a web-portal, and a desktop app. It trys to follow the Angular Style Guide whenever possible.
The technologies used include:
- Mobile Apps: Ionic Framework
- Web Portal: AngularJS
- Desktop: Electron (todo)
Note: This is a work in progress. It's getting worked on as fast as possible between day-to-day obligations. :)
First, install Yeoman and generator-hybrid using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-hybrid
Then generate your new project:
mkdir new_project
cd new_project
yo hybrid
If you told generator-hybrid to install dependencies (npm and bower), then your projects should be good to go. If you said no to this option, you're on your own to get the dependencies installed... but it's not that hard. npm install
in either the web
or mobile
directory will run in the install.js
script, which includes running bower install.
$ cd mobile
$ ionic serve -b
Then browse to http://localhost:8100
$ cd web
$ gulp serve
Then browse to http://localhost:8088 (unless you changed the default port during the install).
See the issue tracker
If you want to set your default answers, create a file in your home directory (cd ~
) called .hybridconfig.json
. For example:
"packageVersion": "0.0.1",
"packageAuthor": "",
"packageAuthorEmail": "",
"packageAuthorWeb": "",
"packageLicense": ["UNLICENSED", "MIT", "Apache-2.0"],
"packagePrivate": true,
"installMobile": true,
"installWeb": true,
"webCssLibrary": "AngularMaterial",
"installDeps": true,
"initGit": true
You can include as many or as few of these options as you want to override. What's show above are the defaults the generator will fall back to if you don't specify an override in .hydbridconfig.json
Keep in mind that the license types should be valid SPDX values. If you do not wish to extend licensing rights to others, you should include "UNLICENSED" as an option. For version numbers, you must provide a valid node semver.
If you do not supply a .hybridconfig.json
file in your home directory, then the generator will fall back to reasonable defaults.
yo hybrid --headless -n 'some-name' -d 'some project description'
will run generator-hybrid in headless mode.
The -n
option should be a package.json name
compatible value.
Open an issue. This helps more than you could imagine with just about any open-source project. We have no way of testing this on every possible combination of OS X, Windows, and Linux/BSD.
This project serves some pretty specific needs of a group of us, but we figured it might serve the needs or a large community so we beefed it up some and make it more usable outside of our really limited set of needs. If you have an idea as to how we could improve this project, suggest it to us. You might end up helping more people than you realize! :)
Fork the project, then work off your develop branch or a feature branch. When you're ready, submit a pull request back against develop.
Before making your changes, however, you should open an issue to communicate what you're doing to sync up with other work that's being done.
Also, you might want to make sure that everything works when you do an npm install -g generator-hybrid
by doing an install of your forked changes. For example: npm install -g git+ssh://git@github.com:etsuo/generator-hybrid.git#develop
If you're not familiar with installing npm packages directly from github.com, see the npm install documentation.
Another helpful tip is to use npm link
. Once you have cloned your fork to your local system, from within the root of the generator-hyrbid
directory, type npm link
. Your hybrid generator is now your local copy for testing purposes.
This is tested on modern releases of Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Ubuntu Linux. If you're running into problems on one of these platforms, please open an issue. Make sure to include your OS and version. If you're using a different version of Linux/Unix/BSD, feel free to open an issue - we might be able to do something about it... we might not... never hurts to try.
Here are some of the main projects that this generator uses:
MIT © J.P. Poveda