
column positioned in wrong place

willisdai opened this issue · 4 comments

after fast scrolling up and down many times, i got this:


the right position should be 319,320,321,322,323 ...

the error start form here:

from "position#280".


note: "position#280" means data index 280, in StaggeredGrid, its position is 281 because of the header.

the column for position 281 is wrong (should be 1).

is there anyone has this issue??

I meet the same problem ,How to resolve it??

While added footer view into the StaggeredGridView, column positioned in wrong placea, and at that time some columns may jump into another position suddenly when scrolling. But if I removed the footer view, the result was right.


Add two lines of code like marked in the picture, it will solve the problem.

It works, thank you very much ^_^ @YellowEyed